Woman discovers a starving dog dumped on the verge of death and fights against the odds to save him.

During the 2017 Christmas weekend, a woman called Pia was wandering around the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, when she came across a frail, emaciated dog that had been abandoned and was covered in sores all over, submissively waiting to die. Pia felt she had to assist him right now.

The dog was so frail that it appeared he wouldn’t make it through the night. Pia sobbed as she snatched up the poor puppy and rushed him to the vet. But the dog’s spirit had already been destroyed by abandonment. He didn’t react to anything and just looked listlessly with his lifeless eyes.
Pia, on the other hand, was not about to quit up. She stayed at the dog’s side for the following 48 hours, urging him to eat and drink and fight for his life with all his might. Pia’s urgent pleas were answered when the puppy regained his desire to live after Christmas!
Pia chose the name Hercules to elicit his survival instincts. Hercules astonished Pia by standing on his own after several restless and agonizing nights.
Pia resolved never to split ways with Hercules. Hercules now seems unrecognizable as his fur has grown back, and he spends his days being the happiest dog with his mother, Pia. Pia’s love and faith enabled Hercules to emerge as a remarkable survivor!
Click the video below to see Pia’s unwavering drive to bring Hercules back to life!