With A Little Love, A Sick Dog At A Shelter Is Completely Transformed

A ill and fearful puppy that arrived to a Texas animal shelter with his sister had no chance of life, but he was able to convert into a beautiful canine with their love.
He was underweight and had patches of fur missing when the four-month-old German shepherd mix arrived at the shelter, and he didn’t want anybody near him.
Despite this, the Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue team saw Blue and his sister Roxanne as having a lot of promise. As a consequence, they decided to keep both of them, give them with the required medical care, and eventually locate them a new home in Virginia.

Before transporting the puppies to their new home, the two took them to a local veterinarian hospital for a routine check-up. According to the veterinarian, Blue had parvovirus, a deadly condition that affects dogs’ intestines. If the disease is not treated promptly with the appropriate medicines, the animals affected are nearly invariably deadly.
The rescue facility’s co-founder, Kaitlin Vázquez, told The Dodo:
“There was a time when he was clearly extremely unwell, and we weren’t sure if he’d survive it.”
Despite sharing a kennel with her brother, Roxanne avoided disease and was sent to Virginia.
She was put with a foster family when she arrived in her new area for extra attention and care. Blue, on the other hand, was hospitalized for nearly a month before being released, but he eventually healed and was moved.
When Julia Downer, an animal lover and foster volunteer, learned about the dog, she offered to foster him right away.
Julia stated her feelings in the following way:
“Her gorgeous tiny face pulled me in, and because Roxanne already had a home, I asked if I could raise Blue.”
The woman’s request was granted, but Blue knew she’d struggle to acclimate to her new circumstances. Blue’s eyes were fully closed, as if he didn’t know how to be a dog, and he kept his distance from everyone, according to the volunteer. The puppy refused to be handled by anyone, including Julia, and spent the day curled up in a home corner.