Tied And Dumped Dog On Subway Stares At Commuters And Hopes For Rescue

etsey, the abandoned pit bull, was found tied to a rail in the New York subway during rush hour. ilovemydogsomuch writes that the owner shamelessly laid a garbage bag next to her to get light. Hundreds of passengers watched for hours as the petrified dog on a leash looked anxiously at the crowd. But no one felt compelled to save Betsey.

Finally, a woman named Sarah Borok stepped forward to help the tortured dog. She called animal control and waited patiently by Betsey’s side, even though she had to stay late for work to do so. Thanks to Sarah’s comforting gesture, animal control had no trouble getting Betsey to the shelter! Later, a veterinary examination revealed the terrible truth about Betsey: ,,She was an abandoned dog mom.” It is a very disturbing practice among unscrupulous breeders to exploit female dogs to produce puppies and discard them as waste when they have served their purpose. The vet believed that Betsey was forced to give birth to more puppies and that her last litter was already for sale.

Betsey is slowly relaxing and learning to be a pampered dog in her wonderful foster home. She is a lovely girl, but easily frustrated because of her horrible experiences in the past. Once she is fully rehabilitated she will be ready for adoption.
Good luck, Betsey!
Watch the video below to see the heartbreaking story of Betsey.