The restaurant’s kind owner serves dinner to stray dogs who appear in front of his restaurant.

The heartwarming anecdote depicts a restaurant owner serving meals to stray dogs. Five years ago, a restaurant owner took pity on a stray dog and fed her. Nobody could have guessed that this one act of kindness would turn into a community custom of feeding stray dogs every night. It all started when a starved stray dog stared through the window of Ajilalo, a Peruvian eatery. The restaurant owner, Gerardo Ortiz, saw the dog’s hunger and was touched by compassion, so he made a special supper for her.

The next day, the hungry dog began arriving for her evening meal, which she paid for with a wag of her tail. Mr. Ortiz formed a regular habit of feeding the grateful dog, despite the fact that he could have been turned away at any time. More strays began to gather at the restaurant’s door as the puppy spread the word about the great food provided at Ajialo. Of course, they were also provided with a meal.
As the days progressed, more homeless dogs turned up to the feast in style every night. Many consumers became repeat clients, and no one was ever turned away. Mr. Ortiz’s generosity saw to it that all of the dogs who arrived were fed. Mr. Ortiz thinks that his animal visits are his most valuable customers. Mr. Ortiz feeds all of the puppies, and he doesn’t mind if he sees a new puppy peeping through the window, hoping the dog rumor mill is correct: you’ll be treated with affection and fed by Mr. Ortiz.
“In my perspective, they’re the finest clientele,” Ortiz told The Dodo. Mr. Ortiz isn’t the only one who is gentle with the pets. His clients soon began bringing food for the dogs to eat. Customers, for the most part, admire the restaurant’s concern for the starving stray. “Fortunately,” Ortiz added, “our clients have responded well to the dogs.” “They have a thing for them.”
Mr. Ortiz definitely cares about animals, and he has made a difference in their lives of the animals. Of course, it would be perfect if they could all find loving homes, but due to Mr. Ortiz and his wonderful clientele, they are shown love and care, and they go to bed each night with full bellies.