The abused pony-hugging man who rescued him just before he was sold to the meat trade

Natasha and Kirk Hance of Texas relocated to a tiny property in Fort Worth to provide their five children and their rescue horses a place to congregate and grow, reports ilovemydogsomuch. They had no idea that they would eventually have more horses in the family.

A horrific horse auction was going on on the premises when the pair arrived. The majority of the purchasers came from slaughterhouses. This was done in response to increased demand for horse meat in places like China, Germany, and Switzerland. Kirk was ultimately able to save two miniature horses just before they were being driven to the slaughterhouse. One of the rescued horses, Tobias, exhibited evidence of acute neglect and cruelty.
All day, he bowed his head and gazed at the ground. He resisted family members’ attempts to touch or pet him. Kirk was concerned about the horse’s profound sadness.
But after 48 hours, Tobias realized he had been spared and that the love he had received was limitless. He eventually acknowledged Kirk as his father and hugged him, relieved and happy. Tobias hugging his new father will melt your heart.