Stray Dog Begs People to Adopt him at the Garbage Dump

he name of this adorable dog is Hercules. He lived in Turkey at a garbage dump. When people came to throw their trash he greeted everyone by jumping up on their car. It seemed like he would ask them to take him home with them. Sadly his offer got never accepted. Maybe this didn’t happen because Hercules looked muddy from all the trash he lived in.

The Rescuers Without Borders (RWB) is an organization that rescues dogs in Turkey. Amanda Cunefare, a volunteer of RWB, said: ,,He would jump up on car windows and cling to anyone. He was a people dog. Sadly, more than 800 dogs lived in heartbreaking conditions at this particular dump. The dogs were always cold and foraging for food. It’s cold, there’s no clean water and food is scarce. You have to fight 800 dogs for resources and bury yourself in piles of garbage to stay warm. It’s a terrible, terrible place to survive for years.’’
Gocke Erdogan is a young Turkish woman. She began feeding the stray dogs at the landfill and making sure they got the medical attention that they needed. The RWB joined Erdogan and helped over 47 Dogs to find a new home. The other dogs meanwhile got food and medical care. The first priority of RWB was rehoming the senior dogs and the puppies as they have the hardest time to survive.
Amanda Cunefare said: ,,This dog wanted out so badly. You could see it in his eyes.’’ Hercules was different in contrast to the other dogs. Hercules best buddy was Dudas. Cunefare adopted him. Amanda reported: ,,Gocke had contacted my friend. She said that she was afraid to ask me but she wanted to know if she could send me Hercules. Since Dudas left he was not doing very well.’’
Hercules and Dudas were best friends at the landfill. Dudas even became a sort of surrogate mother to Hercules.
,,My heart broke. That’s horrible. If I only knew that they both could have come. I can imagine how awful it was for Hercules to watch her leave.’’ Amanda Cunefare quickly made up her mind and replied: ,,Absolutely send him over.’’
After Cunefare’s approval they transported him to the US. He now lives happily with Dudas on a 2-arce property. It was like a miracle when Hercules and Dudas reunited. Amanda Cunefare said: ,,They immediately recognized each other, ran around and played together.’’ This clearly is a happy ending.