
Pitbull Dog Is Abandoned To Her Fate And Shows Her Great Sadness At Being Rescued

Authorities in Paraná, Brazil, rescued this ill and damaged dog, whose state reflects her ordeal on the streets.

Humans, even their own pets, may be callous towards animals. Stories of abuse, neglect, and brutality abound on the internet and social media, and it’s no surprise that animal shelters are always overcrowded in order to save as many dogs and cats as possible. Fortunately, there are kind and responsible individuals who choose to rescue the lives of street dogs. That is the story of a dog who was saved in the Brazilian state of Paraná.

The rescue was carried out when investigator Cassio Silva and Delegate Matheus Laiola got a call to save a Pitbull dog in critical condition in the Parolin area. According to Silva, the dog was dying of cold. You can see her shivering violently in the rescue footage owing to the cold and probably because she was terrified of her rescuers.

The dog, called “Girl,” looked emaciated and hungry, with matted fur and open sores all over her body. According to the researcher’s Facebook post, “Girl” has advanced scabies, which explains her present skin and hair condition. Fortunately, Da Silva and Laiola, as well as activist Mari Hedler, have already made plans for her medical care.Here she is, smiling after her vet visit:

Nia is described as “kind and loving” by Silva, and she will be receiving medical care for her ailment. She advises in the article announcing her rescue that she will need substantial care and that citizens’ assistance would be necessary.

Silva later intimated that he would adopt her following a visit to the veterinarian, giving her a second shot at life in a household where she will be loved unconditionally. However, Silva points out that there are still many dogs on the streets in need of assistance.