Nobody will accept him he eventually gets to enjoy his first warm meal, and his reaction melts our hearts.

Rudy was one of the million pups who are left at dog shelters each year. Unlike other dogs, however, Rudy had suffered really traumatizing events that unfortunately have left him unable to be adopted for the first time in humans’ eyes. Her sufferings included beatings, a broken hip, scabies, ear, and eye infection. She was in such a pitiful state, and with little hope of survival, she was scheduled to be put down. Miraculously, however, the dog was saved by Houston Street Dogs just a few hours before his scheduled death row. Watching him being saved from death row and wagging his tail as he got to enjoy his first meal was the best thing in the world at those moments. This in no way, however, meant that Rudy’s journey was over. For months, he went through different treatments, injections, and medications in an attempt to cure his various physical issues. With love, care, and medical treatment, Rudy transformed from a diseased dog to a full-furred, big-smiled dog who is ready for adventures. A big problem, however, remained. Rudy needed a complete hip replacement in order to live life as a normal dog. His broken hip stopped him from moving and running as he normally would have. Houston Street Dog started a YouCaring campaign in an attempt to raise the needed funds to do Rudy’s operation. The good news is that they have already achieved their initial financial goal. We honestly hope that the surgery will be successful and Rudy will get up and go in soon. That dog definitely deserves it.