Little Boy Forms Immediate Bond With Puppy Born With Same Disability As Him

The heartwarming story below depicts a two-year-old kid who discovers a puppy with the same congenital condition. Bentley Boyers’ father was on his way to the animal shelter to adopt two hens when he noticed a dog with the same congenital disorder as his son and knew he had to bring him home with him.

In reality, Mr. Boyers was on his way to the shelter to adopt two hens when he came upon a beautiful white and black dog. He was drawn to the dog because he, like his two-year-old son, was born with a cleft palate. Mr. Boyers immediately Facetimed his wife, who realized the cute puppy was intended to become a member of their family. Mom and Bentley drove down to the shelter to meet the dog. Bentley and the dog instantly clicked—it was fate!
“He FaceTimed me,” Bentley’s mother, Ashley, said. “‘I’m guessing this one has a cleft lip,’ he adds. ‘Go get her,’ I instructed. ‘We need her.’ Bentley had a cleft lip and palate when he was born. His mother reported that the 2-year-old had a rocky start in life and that getting him to eat was challenging. They had to keep his lips together to help him. “We had to sit him up and feed him while keeping his lip together so he could eat — it was a process,” stated mum. Bentley is a happy young boy despite his early struggles, but his parents want to educate him that he is not alone—that there are other people and animals that are just like him.
“Seeing him have something in common with a puppy means a lot because he can grow up and understand that he and his pet both have something in common,” Bentley’s mother said. Despite his unusual birth, the puppy is expected to enjoy a normal life and be Bentley’s greatest buddy for many years to come.