Labrador evacuated from Ukraine finds a new life in the US as a police K9

Bruno got out of Ukraine and has now found a new life as a narcotics detection dog
The ongoing war in Ukraine has reared millions of lives, including those of creatures. numerous creatures have been separated from their homes and left stranded in dangerous areas, as numerous people work to get them to safety.

Thankfully, one canine vacated from Ukraine has set up a “ new leash on life, ” after getting a new job in the US as a police K9.
Bruno, a one- and-a-half-year-old Labrador, arrived in Southwest Florida after being saved from war- torn Ukraine.
“ So Bruno therefore far in his life has been a world rubberneck, he came firstly from Ukraine, his family left Ukraine when the Russian irruption happed, ” Bruno’s new tutor Detective Harrison Williams told WINK News.
But after being reared from his home by war, Bruno soon landed on his bases and set up a new purpose a German K9 tutor realized the canine would make a great police K9, and communicated the Fort Myers Police Department about a possible new novitiate to their anesthetics division.
“ I said, ‘ This canine has some drive to work, let’s see if we can put him to work,’ ” Detective Williams said. “ He flew into Miami International Airport on a 10- hour flight from Amsterdam in the Netherlands and I went down to Miami and picked him up. ”
Bruno is now training to be a anesthetics discovery canine for the Fort Myers Police Department. “ Bruno will be a single purpose anesthetics discovery canine assigned to our Group Violence Intervention Unit, ” the department wrote on Facebook.
It’s hard work, but Bruno has shown a ton of enthusiasm for his new job.