Horse Lays His Head On Coffin In Grief As He Says Goodbye To His Best Friend

This is the moment a horse showed a remarkable sense of loss as it neighed at the funeral of its owner, shocking family, and friends as it appeared to bid him an emotional goodbye.
The creature added to mourners’ amazement when, at one stage, it laid its head on the coffin of its cowboy owner, Wagner de Lima Figueiredo, 34, and sighed as if it was crying.
Sereno then horse was taken to the funeral by Wagner’s brother, Wando de Lima, on Tuesday in Paraiba, northeast Brazil
Mr de Lima said: “This horse was everything to [Wagner], it was as if the horse knew what was happening and wanted to say goodbye. All the way to the cemetery he was whimpering and stomping on the ground.”
Mr. Figuiereda died in a motorcycle accident on New Year’s Day after losing control of his bike while riding along a beachfront in the city. He was rushed to hospital and underwent two critical operations but died from his injuries.
Sereno was taken to the funeral by Wagner’s brother, Wando de Lima, as he knew the pair had a very close relationship. Wagner loved that horse, and so it was important to his family that Sereno was there to say goodbye.

Sereno was taken to the funeral by Wagner’s brother
Wando said: ‘This horse was everything to Wagner, it was as if the horse knew what was happening and wanted to say goodbye.
Wando said: ‘Wagner’s life was this horse. He had a passion and a great love for him. Sometimes he would even stop buying things for himself to make sure he could afford to buy horse feed.’
He added that many people had offered to buy the white stallion but Wagner ‘always refused to sell him.’
Amazingly, since the death of his brother, Wando has vowed to take on the responsibility of maintaining and caring for Sereno.
He said: ‘Wagner will stay with our family forever.’