Family Ignores Scars on “Unusual-Looking” Puppy and Adopts Her

Lisa, a 10-week-old dog brought to the Humane Society of Silicon Valley with scars all over her face and swollen eyes, required surgery, according to Bored Panda. Shelter employees weren’t convinced they could offer Christine Doblar a home until she and her family arrived. ,, My girls were constantly scared that she might be taken by someone else.” Doblar informed The Dodo. ,, She has an odd appearance, but she has a great, vibrant personality. She goes to every one of us and is so sweet and cheery with everyone she accepts. We looked at other dogs, but none of them compared to her.
On the same day, the family adopted Lisa, whom they dubbed “Lucky.”
Lisa, a 10-month-old dog, was recently surrendered to a California shelter.
Her face was riddled with scars, and his eyelids need surgery.

HSSV’s Finnegan Dowling comments, “It may be difficult to watch.”
The shelter’s officials predicted that no one would adopt Lisa.
But that idea lasted just till Christine Doblar and her family entered the room.
She has a beautiful, bright personality. We’d seen other dogs, but none like her.”
The family named her Lucky since we were both fortunate to adopt her on the same day.